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EcoTek Upcycles

What makes EcoTek technology environmentally friendly is not only the process used to create the products, but also the fact that the products are upcycled.


To better understand this, it is important to know about other forms of material reintegration and how they compare to upcycling.


While all forms of material recovery are better for the environment than doing nothing, they are not all the same. Recovery is a process of taking material and converting it to energy, usually through incineration. This is the primary method of disposing of ELTs today, but it does not fully utilize the materials in a tire. Recycling is another method of material recovery that focuses primarily on breaking down materials and converting them into products that are inferior to the original product. The most common example of this for ELTs is pyrolysis. Although it is a novel idea, it can be expensive and the resulting material is of inferior quality.


Upcycling differs from energy recovery or recycling in that it takes materials such as ELTs and instead of creating an inferior product, the process creates a product of equal or greater value.



Yearly Disposal

30 million

In Korea, 30 million (380,000 tons) end-of-life tires are thrown away every year.

Yearly Accumulation

15 million

50% of tires are incinerated, with the remainder sent to landfills or buried. That leaves 15 million tires in annual accumulation.

Years Observed


This graph represent the accumulated impact if we do nothing for the next 12 years.

Decomposition Rate

50-80 years

Tires have a decomposition rate of 50-80 years or more. These tires do not completely decompose, but instead become smaller pieces that still have a negative impact on the environment.

Final Accumulation

180 million

If nothing is done, the total accumulation of tires of the next 12 years would be 180 million tires or approximately 17 million tons.



Current Rate of Accumulation

15 million

50% of tires are incinerated, with the remainder sent to landfills or buried. That leaves 15 million tires in annual accumulation.

Adjusted for EcoTek Proposition

5 million

EcoTek's proposal, by reintegrating ELTs into the supply chain, could reduce the number of accumulated tires from 15 million to 5 million by the year 2035.

Reduction Rate


This reduction rate ultimately represents a 67% reduction in ELTs.

Rate Per Lane Kilometer

450 Tires

For every lane kilometer of road built, more than 450 tires can be returned to the supply chain. EcoTek's solution could have an unprecedented impact.


EcoTek Can Help

12 years

This plan is expected to be realized by the year 2035.


This reduction rate ultimately represents a 67% reduction in ELTs.

450 Tires

For every lane kilometer of road built, more than 450 tires can be returned to the supply chain.

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